About the Artist

My personal history with Art
My name is Mary Catherine Bridget Davis Unrein. I am very happy Mom and Dad christened me with such a rich Irish blessing. I was also blessed being raised in a rich active Irish Catholic upbringing. And this is really where the subject matter of my artistic expression came from. I have been involved in art and expressing myself through art from as long as I can remember. Art is my point of reference to understanding how I feel and what is going on inside of me. It doesn’t seem I can focus and keep developing without art. It is a true gift to me because it kept me grounded and authentic. Growing up in the Southern California in the 60’s wasn’t as difficult for me as some of my friends. I wouldn’t get into drugs or recklessness because I wanted this gift God gave me to reflect His grace not my bad behavior. I wanted the freedom of consciousness as it were to create and be free to express what was ever inside of me. I respected the gift God gave me and whatever artistic skills I was able to develop I wanted them to reflect Him. I feel close to God in my art. God the Father, the creator and I are friends. This friendship is palatable especially when I am creating sacred art. This artwork became my visible prayers.